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[sub]De OP is [url=http://wiki.fok.nl/index.php/OP/Transformice]hier[/url] te vinden.[/sub]

[B]What is Transformice?[/B]
Transformice is a multiplayer flash game where you play as a little mouse out to grab some cheese and get it back to his mousehole. 
Sounds quite simple, but there's more to the game than you might think.


One of the coolest features of Transformice is the Shaman, seen here at the far right.
 Every round one player (or in Battle stages, two) is randomly chosen to become one. 
The Shaman can spawn several different kinds of physics objects to aid his fellow mice in cheese-acquiring ventures. 
Shown in the image above are a whole bunch of planks hooked together with hinges. This particular stage was a bit of a clusterfuck, as you can see.


The game utilizes a nice little physics engine, allowing you to make all sorts of crazy devices to launch mice around and potentially glitch out the game.
 There was one round where I played in where a shaman hooked up five or so anvils together with hinges, causing the entire contraption to fling itself into the air, spinning wildy and hurling a dozen or so mice off the level.
 It was too fast to get a decent screenshot of though.


[img]http://img41.xooimage.com/files/8/a/0/fleche-1c588fc.jpg[/img] [B]Arrow[/B]
It has no effect on the game it is just the shaman to specify a location for the mouse.

[img]http://i45.tinypic.com/2lnq6a.png[/img] [b]Spirit[/b]
Creates a tiny explosion on the spot, knocking mice and objects alike away. Unlimited range.

[img]http://transformice.olympe-network.com/images/objets/carton1.png[/img] [B]Little Box[/B]
A crate lighter and smaller. Primarily used for construction.

[img]http://transformice.olympe-network.com/images/objets/carton2.png[/img] [B]Big Box[/B]
A small crate and huge. Primarily used for securing elements of a map. Sometimes used to raise mice.

[img]http://img41.xooimage.com/files/f/0/4/enclume-1c58989.jpg[/img] [B]Anvil[/B]
The anvil just replace the heavy box, but has the same interest. Used to block the other objects or weigh down a plank.

[img]http://transformice.olympe-network.com/images/objets/planche1.png[/img] [B]Little Board[/B]
Small plank. Sometimes used to raise mice.

[img]http://transformice.olympe-network.com/images/objets/planche2.png[/img] [B]Big Board[/B]
Large plank. Often used to raise mice.

[img]http://transformice.olympe-network.com/images/objets/ballon.png[/img] [B]Ball ^_^[/B]
Balloon. On some maps, it explodes after a few seconds.

[img]http://transformice.olympe-network.com/images/objets/boulet.png[/img] [B]Drag[/B] (Cannon Ball)
A cannon ball. The arrow inside means the direction in which it will be projected. Rotating these objects does NOT change their shooting direction.

[img]http://img28.xooimage.com/files/4/b/1/trampoline-1c513df.jpg[/img] [B]Trampoline[/B]
The trampoline is not enabled on all the maps, but it is very useful, it makes you jump. 

Items can be rotated with the mousewheel
Hold down mouse button to place an item

Items can be hinged with the C V B N buttons on the keyboard, press the same button to move the hinge on the item

C is a yellow joint, relatively stiff, can only be attached to your own items
V is a blue joint, like the yellow one but looser
B is a red joint, the only joint that attaches to the background. Can only be put on planks.
N is a blue joint, just like V but it's motorized so it spins on its own
Space is a ghost object, a ghost object lets the mouse go through. 

[B]Wall Jumping/Climbing:[/B]
1. Jump into wall with momentum
2. See first frames of running animation
3. Jump up and away to get distance
4. Move right with enough speed to repeat

Usually if you are high up and don't have enough momentum, you can swing back left to try again before hitting the bottom of a pit.

Depends on the level. Some levels you can wall jump, or jump again in mid air. Some let you wall jump an infinite amount of times, others only once. Just like on some maps you can ride on other mice but some you go right through each other if you didn't take up space. 

[B]Want to play?[/B]

Here: [URL]http://www.transformice.com/en/[/URL]
Fullscreen: [url]http://www.transformice.com/en/ChargeurTransformice.swf[/url]

After joining the game, type the following:

/room fok

[B]More info[/B] 
All titles: [url=http://www.cubeupload.com/files/721e00titles.jpg]Klik[/url]

[B]"How to ban idiots (don't abuse please.)"[/B]
Type /ban name to voteban people.

[B]Perfect bridge[/B]
[img]http://img26.xooimage.com/files/2/b/a/pont-1c7c3a4.jpg[/img] If ze french can do it, so can we.

[B]TIPS: You should know![/B]
You can spawn stuff when shaman, certain items to a certain map. Items can be spawned within a limited range of your shaman, so be weary of hazards and whatnot.

The In-game Help menu shows some Hinge tools you can use to place planks and stuff together. You press those keyboard keys when you have item selected. Scrollwheel can be used to rotate objects before spawning.

Another tip: Hit spacebar to make object a Ghost object, meaning everything that is environmental will be able to interact with it, but not players. Useful for attaching anvils for weight on planks.

Met dank aan Facepunch voor de OP.