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Modern Warfare 2 is een direct vervolg op Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, dat zich in tegenstelling tot alle andere spellen uit de Call of Duty reeks in het heden afspeelt in plaats van tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De boventitel 'Call of Duty' was geannuleerd, en het spel zou nu Modern Warfare 2 moeten heten. Achteraf bleek de titel CoD toch te blijven staan op de covers, maar dit was alleen om potentiële klanten niet mis te lopen. Het spel heet nog steeds Modern Warfare 2.



  * In totaal zijn er 16 multiplayer maps tijdens de release van Modern Warfare 2 bespeelbaar
  * Het is mogelijk om meerdere attachments op je wapen te plaatsen
  * De multiplayer bevat vier nieuwe gamemodes (Flag Runner)
  * Er is een nieuw clansysteem aanwezig waarmee toernooien kunnen worden gespeeld.



[url=http://screenshots.teamxbox.com/screen/91809/Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-2/][img]http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/2227/thumb/1253118040.jpg[/img][/url][url=http://screenshots.teamxbox.com/screen/91808/Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-2/][img]http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/2227/thumb/1253118039.jpg[/img] [/url][url=http://screenshots.teamxbox.com/screen/91807/Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-2/][img]http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/2227/thumb/1253118038.jpg[/img] [/url][url=http://screenshots.teamxbox.com/screen/91323/Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-2/][img]http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/2227/thumb/1251865038.jpg[/img][/url]





[b]TIER 1[/b]

Name:[b] Marathon[/b] Purpose: Unlimited Sprint. [b]Pro[/b]: Climb obstacles faster.

Name: [b]Sleight of Hand[/b] Purpose: Faster Reloading. [b]Pro[/b]: Aim faster down sight.

Name: [b]Scavenger[/b] Purpose: Auto-grab ammo from enemy corpses. [b]Pro[/b]: Extra mags.

Name: [b]Bling[/b] Purpose: Double weaponattachment on primary weapon. [b]Pro[/b]: Double weaponattachment on secondary weapon.

Name: [b]One man army[/b] Purpose: Change classes while being alive. [b]Pro[/b]: Swap classes faster.

[b]TIER 2[/b]

Name: [b]Stopping Power[/b] Purpose: Increased bullet damage. [b]Pro[/b]: Increased bullet damage to vehicles (killstreaks)

Name: [b]Lightweight[/b] Purpose: Move Faster [b]Pro[/b]: Aim faster down sight

Name: [b]Hardline[/b] Purpose: Killstreaks require one less kill. [b]Pro[/b]: Deathstreaks require 1 less death.

Name: [b]Cold-blooded[/b] Purpose: Makes a player invisible to UAV, sentry guns, thermal imagery, and air support. [b]Pro[/b]: No red name or crosshair when targeted.

Name: [b]Danger close[/b] Purpose: Increases explosive weapons damage. [b]Pro[/b]: Extra air support damage.

[b]TIER 3[/b]

Name: [b]Commando[/b] Purpose: Increased melee distance. [b]Pro[/b]: No Falling Damage.

Name: [b]Steady Aim[/b] Purpose: increases hip fire accuracy. [b]Pro[/b]: Hold your breath longer.

Name: [b]Scrambler[/b] Purpose: Scrambles and deactivates the mini-map/UAV. [b]Pro[/b]: Delays the explosion of enemy claymores.

Name: [b]Ninja[/b] Purpose: Invisible to heartbeat sensors. [b]Pro[/b]: Move Silently (no footsteps).

Name: [b]Sitrep[/b] Purpose: Detects enemy explosives and tactical insertions. [b]Pro[/b]: Make enemy footsteps louder.

[i]Kill Streak Rewards[/i]

Name: [b]UAV[/b] Kills: 3 Function: Sweeps the area and reveals enemy player locations.

Name: [b]Care Package[/b] Kills: 4 Function: Air Drop a random kill streak or ammo.

Name: [b]Counter UAV[/b] Kills: 4 Function: Cancels other teams UAV

Name: [b]Sentry Gun[/b] Kills: 5 Function: Ability to set-up a remote turret.

Name: [b]Predator Missile[/b] Kills: 5 Function: Call in a Predator UAV missile strike

Name: [b]Precision Air Strike[/b] Kills: 6 Function: Initiates an airstrike on a targeted area the user can now control the direction the airstrike comes from.

Name: [b]Attack Helicopter[/b] Kills: 7 Function: Deploys a helicopter to attack enemy players

Name: [b]Pave Low[/b] Kills: 9 Function: Heavily armored assault helicopter

Name: [b]Stealth bomber[/b] Kills: 9 Function: Call in a stealth bomber (undetectable on radar)

Name: [b]Chopper gunner[/b] Kills: 11 Function: Be the gunner of a chopper

Name: [b]AC-130[/b] Kills: 11 Function: Call in a controllable AC-130 gunship.

Name: [b]EMP[/b] Kills: 15 Function: Call in a Electromagnetic pulse bomb (disables electronics for ± 1 minute)

Name: [b]Tactical nuke[/b] Kills: 25 Function: Deploy a tactical nuke (this will end the round, no matter what)

[i]Deathstreak rewards[/i]

Name: [b]Copycat[/b] Deaths: 4 Function: Copy the loadout of the enemy that killed you on your fourth death. (level 1)

Name: [b]Painkiller[/b] Deaths: 4 Function: Triple health for ten seconds after respawn. (level 6)

Name: [b]Martyrdom[/b] Deaths: 4 Function: Drop a live grenade. (level 27)

Name: [b]Final stand[/b] Deaths: 4 Function Last Stand, but you will be able to use your primary weapon and fully recover after a set amount of time without being shot again. (level 39)



Bootje84, prestige 2, level 20, [b]Steamnaam[/b] BootVluchteling Deetch, prestige 0, level 41, [b]Steamnaam[/b] Deetch De_Boswachter, prestige 0, level 9, [b]Steamnaam[/b] *onbekend* Scorpie, prestige 0, level 53, [b]Steamnaam[/b] NlScorpie Solique, prestige 0, level 44, [b]Steamnaam[/b] Soliquenl Ered, prestige 0, level 42, [b]Steamnaam[/b] Ered_from_scythia Dj_Day-V, prestige 1, level 36, [b]Steamnaam[/b] SparkleZ Mazora, prestige 0, level 46, [b]Steamnaam[/b] Mazora CheeseFrog, prestige 0, level 48, [b]Steamnaam[/b] *onbekend* Blik, prestige 0, level 23, [b]Steamnaam[/b] *onbekend* AlligatorNL, prestige 1, level 70, [b]Steamnaam[/b] *onbekend* Goldfoxx, prestige 1, level 26, [b]Steamnaam[/b] Leeuwtjevanjuda Jantje12345, prestige *onbekend*, level *onbekend*, [b]Steamnaam[/b] EscapR Razor21, prestige 0, level 25, [b]Steamnaam[/b] Snipes2Kill

[b]Links naar vorige topics voor PS3/360 [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1364332]| 1 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1365752]| 2 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1366334]| 3 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1366894]| 4 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1368024]| 5 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1369205]| 6 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1371269]| 7 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1373590]| 8 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1375352]| 9 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1378098]| 10 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1380939]| 11 |[/url][/b]

[b]Links naar vorige topics voor PC [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1364337]| 1 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1366582]| 2 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1368200]| 3 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1370612]| 4 |[/url] [url=http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1375791]| 5 |[/url][/b]

[b][url=http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Callsigns]Alle Callsigns en Emblems voor Modern Warfere 2[/url][/b]

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