OP/GHB Vragen en Antwoorden: verschil tussen versies

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De [[OP|openingspost]] van het GHB Vragen en Antwoorden topic.
[b]GHB - Gamma Hydroxybutyrate[/b]
[i]Most users find that GHB induces a pleasant state of relaxation and tranquility. Frequent effects are placidity, sensuality, mild euphoria, and a tendency to verbalize. Anxieties and inhibitions tend to dissolve into a feeling of emotional warmth, wellbeing, and pleasant drowsiness. The "morning after" effects of GHB lack the unpleasant or debilitating characteristics associated with alcohol and other relaxation-oriented drugs. In fact, many users report feeling particularly refreshed, even energized, the next day. The effects of GHB can generally be felt within five to twenty minutes after ingestion. They usually last no more than one and a half to three hours, although they can be indefinitely prolonged through repeated dosing.
GHB is probably the best substance for inducing sleep, the quickest and best anti-depressant and anti-anxiety agent, the best therapy for narcolepsy, highly useful in alcohol or drug withdrawal, a possible aphrodisiac, a powerful growth hormone inducer, and it facilitates communication and social interaction. Moreover, it is essentially non-toxic and by far the safest substance for these conditions. Incredibly, it has been deliberately misrepresented, demonized and illegally outlawed! [/i]
[quote]GHB's effects last only a few hours during which it metabolizes into CO2 and H2O leaving no toxic metabolites [Vickers, 1969, Laborit, 1972]. Metabolism is so efficient that GHB can no longer be detected in urine four to five hours after it is taken by injection [Laborit, 1964].[/quote]
[quote]GHB induces "remarkable hypotonia" (muscle relaxation) [Vickers, 1969]. It is now gaining popularity in France and Italy as an aid to childbirth.[/quote]
[quote]In a test of their GHB assay technique, they were able to detect GHB levels of up to 168mg/L in the blood of cadavers that had not ingested any! Barring the possibility of a desperately confused necrophiliac at the coroner's office, it seems that the body may produce huge quantities of endogenous* GHB when near death.[/quote]
[quote]The presence of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages - Elliott S, Burgess V ;
GHB/GBL was detected in red wine vermouth (8.2mg/L), sherry (9.7mg/L), port (GBL), red wine (4.1-21.4mg/L) and white wine (< 3-9.6mg/L). The presence of GHB/GBL did not appear to be influenced by the alcohol content or the pH of the beverage. In addition, the concentration in wines did not appear to be related to the geographical origin of the grape type. This is believed to be the first published data concerning the endogenous presence of GHB and GBL in the beverages described.[/quote]
During GHB's influence, sleep is deeper and more restful, but after the GHB has worn off, people have a tendency to wake up. The higher the dose, the greater is this tendency. Some have called this pattern the "dawn effect" and have speculated that it is related to the release of stored-up dopamine. Some people minimize this effect by taking minimal doses of GHB. Others take advantage of this effect by getting a couple of hours of work done in the middle of the night.[/quote]
[quote]It is interesting to note that GHB creates the same qualities that are desirable for the practice of Tantric Yoga.[/quote]
[url=http://www.drugsinfoteam.nl/Ghb.html]Drugsinfoteam over GHB[/url]
[url=http://leda.lycaeum.org/?ID=10208]Complete FAQ @ Lycaeum.org[/url]
[url=http://users.lycaeum.org/~ghbfaq/complete.html]Nog een FAQ @ Lycaeum.org[/url]
[url=http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/ghb/ghb.shtml]GHB @ Erowid.org[/url]
[url=http://members.tripod.com/~Aleister_Crowley/BetterSex.html]Better Sex Through Chemistry[/url]
[url=http://www.minvws.nl/kamerstukken/gvm/antwoorden_kamervragen_albayrak_over_het_gebruik_van_ghb.asp]Antwoorden kamervragen Albayrak over het gebruik van GHB[/url]
En ook: http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1446157
[b]Vorige delen;[/b]
[b]Er mogen geen links of namen meer gepost worden van (websites van) leveranciers voor basisproducten van GHB. Ook mogen er geen recepten meer gepost worden, deze zijn nog terug te vinden in de vorige topics en daar zullen we het (helaas) mee moeten doen. [/b]
Voor meer info: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/ghb/ghb.shtml
Let op de dosis, en stay safe :W
>> Klik [url=http://wiki.fok.nl/index.php?title=OP/GHB_Vragen_en_Antwoorden][b]hier[/b][/url] voor de openingspost, te gebruiken wanneer men het volgende topic in deze reeks wil openen. <<
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Huidige versie van 29 jun 2011 om 19:18

De openingspost van het GHB Vragen en Antwoorden topic.

[b]GHB - Gamma Hydroxybutyrate[/b]

[i]Most users find that GHB induces a pleasant state of relaxation and tranquility. Frequent effects are placidity, sensuality, mild euphoria, and a tendency to verbalize. Anxieties and inhibitions tend to dissolve into a feeling of emotional warmth, wellbeing, and pleasant drowsiness. The "morning after" effects of GHB lack the unpleasant or debilitating characteristics associated with alcohol and other relaxation-oriented drugs. In fact, many users report feeling particularly refreshed, even energized, the next day. The effects of GHB can generally be felt within five to twenty minutes after ingestion. They usually last no more than one and a half to three hours, although they can be indefinitely prolonged through repeated dosing.

GHB is probably the best substance for inducing sleep, the quickest and best anti-depressant and anti-anxiety agent, the best therapy for narcolepsy, highly useful in alcohol or drug withdrawal, a possible aphrodisiac, a powerful growth hormone inducer, and it facilitates communication and social interaction. Moreover, it is essentially non-toxic and by far the safest substance for these conditions. Incredibly, it has been deliberately misrepresented, demonized and illegally outlawed! [/i]



[quote]GHB's effects last only a few hours during which it metabolizes into CO2 and H2O leaving no toxic metabolites [Vickers, 1969, Laborit, 1972]. Metabolism is so efficient that GHB can no longer be detected in urine four to five hours after it is taken by injection [Laborit, 1964].[/quote]

[quote]GHB induces "remarkable hypotonia" (muscle relaxation) [Vickers, 1969]. It is now gaining popularity in France and Italy as an aid to childbirth.[/quote]

[quote]In a test of their GHB assay technique, they were able to detect GHB levels of up to 168mg/L in the blood of cadavers that had not ingested any! Barring the possibility of a desperately confused necrophiliac at the coroner's office, it seems that the body may produce huge quantities of endogenous* GHB when near death.[/quote]

[quote]The presence of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages - Elliott S, Burgess V ;
GHB/GBL was detected in red wine vermouth (8.2mg/L), sherry (9.7mg/L), port (GBL), red wine (4.1-21.4mg/L) and white wine (< 3-9.6mg/L). The presence of GHB/GBL did not appear to be influenced by the alcohol content or the pH of the beverage. In addition, the concentration in wines did not appear to be related to the geographical origin of the grape type. This is believed to be the first published data concerning the endogenous presence of GHB and GBL in the beverages described.[/quote]

During GHB's influence, sleep is deeper and more restful, but after the GHB has worn off, people have a tendency to wake up. The higher the dose, the greater is this tendency. Some have called this pattern the "dawn effect" and have speculated that it is related to the release of stored-up dopamine. Some people minimize this effect by taking minimal doses of GHB. Others take advantage of this effect by getting a couple of hours of work done in the middle of the night.[/quote]

[quote]It is interesting to note that GHB creates the same qualities that are desirable for the practice of Tantric Yoga.[/quote]



[url=http://www.drugsinfoteam.nl/Ghb.html]Drugsinfoteam over GHB[/url]
[url=http://leda.lycaeum.org/?ID=10208]Complete FAQ @ Lycaeum.org[/url]
[url=http://users.lycaeum.org/~ghbfaq/complete.html]Nog een FAQ @ Lycaeum.org[/url]
[url=http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/ghb/ghb.shtml]GHB @ Erowid.org[/url]
[url=http://members.tripod.com/~Aleister_Crowley/BetterSex.html]Better Sex Through Chemistry[/url]
[url=http://www.minvws.nl/kamerstukken/gvm/antwoorden_kamervragen_albayrak_over_het_gebruik_van_ghb.asp]Antwoorden kamervragen Albayrak over het gebruik van GHB[/url]

En ook: http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1446157

[b]Vorige delen;[/b]


[b]Er mogen geen links of namen meer gepost worden van (websites van) leveranciers voor basisproducten van GHB. Ook mogen er geen recepten meer gepost worden, deze zijn nog terug te vinden in de vorige topics en daar zullen we het (helaas) mee moeten doen. [/b]

Voor meer info: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/ghb/ghb.shtml 

Let op de dosis, en stay safe  :W 


>> Klik [url=http://wiki.fok.nl/index.php?title=OP/GHB_Vragen_en_Antwoorden][b]hier[/b][/url] voor de openingspost, te gebruiken wanneer men het volgende topic in deze reeks wil openen. <<

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- Topictitel en -nummer
- Het updaten van de OP op Fok!wiki indien nodig

[b]VOOR VERSLAVINGEN ZIE OOK[/b] http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1317319

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- Topictitel en -nummer
- Het updaten van de OP op Fok!wiki indien nodig